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All of life is in the  f l o w

. . . in the c u r r e n t . . .

All of life is in the  n o w

. . . in the c u r r e n t . . . 


Even when we believe ourselves to be sitting still, we are moving along with the rotation of the it orbits around the we are dragged along its gravitational wake; all while moving at about 45,000 MPH.  Even as we are nestled within our Milky Way Galaxy, it too is moving through space at approximately 550,000 MPH. 


There are currents of electricity, electromagnetic forces, and countless other unseen motions and circulations within us and without.  Time itself is a current.  And of course, there are the observable movements we see in Nature, like the simple currents of air and of water. 


Whether we struggle against it or go along with it, we are all -- a l w a y s  in the flow and in the now.  


We are all, perpetually,

in the current

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